
Our Abe's Order Arrived!

I have one happy and chubby baby tonight because his food I ordered from Abe's last week (when the whole site was 20% off) arrived!  Here he is sporting his HUGE cheeks starring from a distance at the Basil Babe from Oh Baby Foods. And yes, he was a fan! (It was the first time we tried it as our local stores don't carry Oh baby yet).  Something I really like about Oh Baby food brand is they season their pouches with spices and herbs.  I've never seen a brand do this so I HAD to try it! 

Here he is...trying to eat the top of the pouch....
Finally Eating!!
All done! :)  Pulling off his bib and playing with it. 
(Poor guy in his pink high chair.  He has an older sister so he's inherited all the pink items)

Really I can't say how nice it was to receive a huge box full of organic food delivered to my home.  I unpacked each item like it was all new to me and I wasn't the one who ordered it.  There's just something about going to the grocery store and unpacking groceries that gets old and feels like a chore.  Now getting a box delivered to your house of groceries, that felt like a gift, even though I paid for it.  So the moral of my story is as a first time Abe's customer, I was super excited and very happy with my purchases and baby JP was thrilled with his dinner!  If you want to try out Abe's they're doing a promotion where you can sample organic food items for only $2 each!  Go here to see what items are available.   Kind of a try before you buy deal I think. 
 On another note, I think I'm stocked up on baby food for awhile!  It's been a good week for squeeze pouch deals!

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