
Our FREE Disney Maps Arrived!

Violet had a fun surprise in the mail today...the FREE Disney maps arrived.  Leave it to Disney to exceed our expectations, as usual.   I was expecting a small hand held park map.  No.  These are HUGE!  And customized so adorable I seriously want another set just to hang them.  I love them! Oh and so do the kids....

And my husband...

There's 5 maps on 3 sheets, and a set of stickers.  (All of which were used tonight to decorate mom and dad with).

This seriously provided 2 hours of entertainment for Violet.  She kept reading the maps, and took the time to find each character on the map she recognized.  I love getting fun mail like this! It makes me want to actually check my mailbox.  

If you're interested in getting a set for your own kids, the promotion is still going on.  You have to register though Disney for an account, then customize your map.  Mine arrived in 4 weeks.
A perfect idea for anyone who's planning or thinking about planning a disney trip. Your kids will LOVE looking though each map! (Who knows you may even enjoy it too) :)

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